When I was in primary school, I and my friends used to envy the King’s tortoise that had its own car, house, and servants, ate whatever it liked and enjoyed life to the fullest.

I could remember one of my friends saying the king must do whatever the tortoise commands. The most gullible thought and fantasy we had about Alagba, King Soun’s tortoise was that it could talk.

Mr Ajamu Oluwatoyin, the secretary to Oba (DR) Oladunni Oyewunmi, Soun of Ogbomosoland, hosted me inside his office in December 2017 at the Soun’s Palace, told me all about Alagba and answered all the questions I asked about the world’s oldest animal.

The Genesis

Kumoyede Ajao who was the third Soun of Ogbomosoland, dated back to the 16th century. Kumoyede was the son of Jogioro, a famous, strong and brave man who sought and brought respectability to the leadership of the Souns family. It was through Kumoyede that the Soun dynasty had become firmly established in Ogbomosoland.

During the reign of Jogioro, it was believed that Kumoyede, a passionate and charismatic hunter was hunting in the bush one day. While hunting, instead of finding animals, he found a little tortoise under the leaves. He then decided to bring the tortoise to the palace.

Kumaoyede Ajao, then a prince started taking care of the tortoise and people started calling the tortoise “Ijapa Kumoyede” (Kumoyede’s tortoise).

When Kumoyede succeeded his father, Jogioro, they started calling the tortoise: “Ijapa Oba” (the king’s tortoise). After Oba Kumoyede Ajao died, his son who was the “Aare Ona-kakanfo” (the Yoruba nation generalissimo), Baale Toyeje Akanni succeeded him and inherited the tortoise.

Since then, the tortoise was inherited by 18 Souns of Ogbomosoland until its death in 2019.

Things To Know About Alagba 

The tortoise was named Alagba which means “the elderly one” in Yoruba as a sign of respect because the tortoise was acclaimed to be the oldest in Ogbomosoland.

On my visit to the Palace, the tortoise refused to show any sign that he noticed me when I called it “ijapa” which is the Yoruba name for tortoise.

In fact, it was prepared to retreat back into its shell. But to my surprise, it stretched out its neck full of age, spots and thick rough warts, slowly opened its eyes and looked at me when I called it Alagba.

Alagba used to eat food but preferred fruits more than food, especially pawpaw and bananas. The Tortoise used to drink water fortnightly and when it does, finishes a 25-litre bucket full of water. It also detested heat and plays a lot in the rainy season

When talking to Alabi, one of those taking care of the tortoise, he said I can try carrying the tortoise and see what will happen. Curious to find out, I tried carrying the tortoise with all my strength but the tortoise wouldn’t even bulge. Alabi then told me that the tortoise weighed 100kg, “Alagba’s weight is equivalent to two bags of cement” Alabi said.

No matter how heavy you are, Alagba will carry you on its back and move about, but Oba Oladunni Oyewumi who cares so much about the well-being of the Alagba stopped this.

The king also respected Alagba, he used to pay him a visit whenever he was coming back from an outing or strolling around the palace.

Whatever might have been anybody’s offence to the king, the Kabiyesi overlooks it if such a person had run to Alagba for protection. Alagba was the only being the king’s wives run to for refuge to avoid the king’s anger.

Alleged Myths and Legends

Like some items in African traditional palaces, Alagba has been alleged to exist for mystical and spiritual purposes like some items found in African traditional palaces.

When speaking with Mr Ajamu Oluwatoyin about this in his office, he said Alagba is just a mere tortoise that God blessed with age, he continued by saying Alagba was never treated as sacred. “In fact, the tortoise eats food remnants from the palace.

He further said that some people believe the tortoise is immortal. However, in 2008, the tortoise fell sick and suddenly developed a lump on the right side of its mouth.

The king, HRM Late Oba Dr Oladunni Oyewumi was duly informed and he ordered that the tortoise be referred to the Veterinary hospital in Mokola, Ibadan for medical attention.

They later called the king from the hospital that it was a sign of old age. The veterinary doctor said they had to carry out surgery on the tortoise but the king decided to avoid the operation and ordered that the tortoise returned to the palace where it recovered by itself.

With this, he concluded by saying that it was proof that the tortoise is not immortal and it can die at any time.

Some Other Alleged Myths Include:

  • It was a particular king who had become so old that turned himself into a tortoise during a festival in the palace.
  • Some claim that the tortoise can talk. Although it is generally known that the tortoise could hear what people say. This was evident in the way he responded when I called it Alagba.
  • Some people believe Alagba is a deity of longevity so they stay near Alagba to offer prayers of longevity.
  • Some people claim that the tortoise is a deity that is being worshipped. Mr Ajamu Oluwatoyin however, debunked this claim saying there was never a time Alagba was worshipped as a deity, the king only refers to it whenever there is a celebration in the palace in recognition of past Obas.
  • Some people used to buy bananas and eat them with the tortoise believing it was a blessing
  • Some people also claim that the tortoise has a lot of connection with every Soun that had ruled, rules, and will rule Ogbomoso land.
  • Finally, they believe that the tortoise must not die because if it does die, there will be consequences afterwards.
Late Oba (DR) Oladunni Oyewunmi and Alagba

Alagba: The Oldest Tortoise That Ever Lived on Earth

Tortoises generally live longer than other animals and this is possible because of their link with the dinosaurs.

Tortoises and turtles belong to the order Chelonians and they are the only living representatives of the order Chelonians which have a close link to the dinosaurs which are ancient animals that lived for very long – up to 400 years – and had enormous sizes.

Most tortoises do not pass 100, some have been known to live well past that marker and have lived as long as 200 to 250 years.

The ability of tortoises to live so long has a lot to do with how they are built and how they live because they are protected by a strong hard shell.

Tortoises are good at avoiding predators and also live and move slowly, which means they use up less energy than lots of other creatures.

If a tortoise is unable to find enough food, they can survive for a longer period more easily than animals who burn through their energy really quickly.

Addwaitya, the giant tortoise, is reckoned to have been 255 when it died at an Indian zoo in 2006, making him the oldest animal in the world.

The previous oldest tortoise was widely thought to be Harriet, a giant Galapagos land tortoise that died in 2005 at age 175 in Australia. Despite its old age, locals say it still has the energy to regularly mate with the three younger females.

In March 2006, it was reported that an Aldabra tortoise at the Calcutta Zoo died and was estimated to be 250 years old.

A Madagascar radiated tortoise was said to have lived in captivity for at least 188 years. Similarly, a 176-year-old giant tortoise from an Australian Zoo died in June 2006. Typically, the Galapagos tortoise lives 150 years. Other varieties regularly live to be 100.

At the moment a Seychelles giant tortoise named Jonathan, whose age is about 184 years, is believed to be the oldest known living reptile on earth.

Jonathan was photographed during the Boer War around 1900, and the tortoise’s life has spanned eight British monarchs from George IV to Elizabeth II and 50 prime ministers. It was taken on the South Atlantic island of St Helena, where Jonathan still lives today, along with five other tortoises David, Speedy, Emma, Fredricka and Myrtle, in a plantation.

Meanwhile, people in Ogbomoso waited for representatives of the Guinness Book of Records to come and confirm Alagba’s age until it died.

Alagba was seen to be the oldest living animal in the world, having gone through the history of other long-living animals.

Some of the visitors at the palace who came to see Alagba advised that he should be taken to the museum to generate revenue for the government, as such kind of creature is rare to come by these days.

Alagba, Dead!

Alagba died on Thursday, 3rd of October, 2019 at the age of 344.

Confirming the ugly incident, Private Secretary to Oba Oyewumi, Toyin Ajamu, stressed that the tortoise, which attracted people from all walks of life from Nigeria and abroad, will be greatly missed not only by the palace household but by everyone who came in contact with ALAGBA during her lifetime.

He said:

“Alagba had lived in the palace for centuries. The tortoise played host to many monarchs in Ogbomoso in the past”

he continued by saying;

“Alagba became popular because Oba Oladunni Oyewumi, Soun of Ogbomosho land, used his personal resources to cater for its well-being. The tortoise had two staff members of the palace, dedicated to her.

They provided food, health support and other logistics, so as to make sure she gets the best treatment. Oftentimes, Kabiyesi shares great moments with Alagba.

Daily, Alagba, had tourists visiting it from different parts of the world. The palace household, Ogbomoso community and stakeholders in the tourism sector are mourning Alagba’s passage”

The palace secretary explained that plans are underway to preserve Alagba’s body for historical records.


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