In the 17th century, the Yoruba kingdom was forever changed by the visionary King Ajagbo, one of the most revered Alaafin of Oyo. Alaafin Ajagbo introduced the prestigious title of Kakanfo, accompanied by 70 elite warriors known as the Eso. This powerful duo would...
The Old Oyo Empire, also known as Oyo-Ile, was a powerful and influential state that flourished from the 14th to the 19th century. Its capital, Oyo-Ile, was a centre of trade, culture, and military strength. Alaafin of Oyo during the Oyo-Ile era (old Oyo Empire) was...
Written By Káyọ̀dé Adéṣọ̀kan Evidently, African countries are endowed with rich culture and supernatural power, and among them is Nigeria, the giant of Africa, with the cultural heritage of its Yorùbá folks. From Ògbómọ̀ṣọ́, Nigeria, Israel Ayanwuyi documented the...
Langtang is reputed to be the home of the army generals; the people are often referred to as the “Langtang Mafia“ in the heydays of the military. Those in that group include some of the most powerful and influential army generals and officers the Nigerian...