“Nubian pyramids are pyramids that were built by the rulers of the ancient Kushite kingdoms. The area of the Nile valley known as Nubia, which lies [in] present day Sudan, was home to three Kushite kingdoms during antiquity. The first had its capital at Kerma (2500–1500 BC). The second was centered on Napata (1000–300 BC). Finally, the last kingdom was centered on Meroë (300 BC–AD 300). They are built of granite and sandstone. The pyramids were partially demolished by [surprise surprise] Italian combat medic turned explorer and treasure hunter Giuseppe Ferlini in the 1830s”

When Europe was a wasteland of barbarism and cave-dwelling illiteracy, Sudan (ancient Nubia) was giving the world mighty temples and pyramids built according to the highest mathematical and geometric principles and standards.

Temple Art and Architecture
Queen Tiye, Nubian mother of Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton. 1398 BC – 1338 BC
Temple of Amun
Taharqa, Pharaoh of Nubia and Egypt – 690–664 BC

Incidentally I was watching an American TV news show the other day in which the host, Joe Scarborough, was telling his viewers that ”Arabs invented mathematics”.A claim profoundly false and misleading, since the pyramids of Sudan – all 223 of them , were built thousands of years before the birth of Muhammed, the founder of Islam.(Egypt’s pyramids and temples of course are another example of ancient black African mathematics that preceded by thousands of years all European and Arab civilizations, but this article is about Sudan)

By Ghozky

My name is Ghozky, I’m a student and I love reading history and I also write about different places, culture and people from all round the globe.

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